My New Website



Search "innovio agency" to find out more about how you can get your own amazing website.

By Eli Smith

Other than my specific field, I don’t have much tech knowledge. While I can do a lot of different things, I can’t build my own website (unless you count all of my work using tools like “Divi Builder,” Wix, and Squarespace). Thankfully, this is something my brother and his wife are both good at, which is why I want you to know about Innovio Agency. 

If you need some help building your own website and don’t want it to run like a potato, Innovio uses modern tech and proven sources to keep your page running smoothly. My page was considered really slow, according to Google before. Now, I don’t even recognize how fast it loads. 

The designer behind Innovio also put tons of thought into different sections of the website. Notice, for example, the animated hammer when you refresh the next page. You’ll also see my bald head on the main page, a feature that required editing and design skills. Also, if you end up taking a job with Innovio, ask the designer about Canva. 

It feels fitting that my first blog on this redesigned website is devoted to my brother and his wife, founders of Innovio. I’m hoping them many future successes in their new business venture, ideally with as few headaches as possible when it comes to freelancing. 

Here’s hoping that my job of writing for others doesn’t distract me too hard from writing for myself. 

Leave me some comments about what you want to know about content writing, and that might be my next blog. Thanks for reading!

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